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>> معلومات غذائية


nutrition facts
serving size 2 cup (30 g)
serving per bag about 3
Amount per serving
calories                                                       150
calories from fat                                          70
% daily value
total fat 8 g                                                  12%
saturated fat 3.5 g                                      18 %
cholesterol 0 mg                                            0%
sodium           280 mg                                  12%
total carbohydrate         19 g                          6%
dietary fiber0 g
sugers 0%
protein 1 g
vitamin A        2%                          vitamin C 0 %
calcium   0%                                          iron 0 %
percent daily values are based on a 2.000 calorie diet . Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs:
                         calories              2.000                   2.500
total fat              less than             65 g                    80 g
sat fat                less than             20 g                     25 g
cholesterol        less than             300 mg                300 mg
sodium              less than             2.400 mg             2.400 mg
total carbohydrate                         300 g                375 g
dietary fiber                                    25 g                  30 g
calories per gram :
fat 9 .   Carbohydrate 4                  .protein 4

منشأة العربي للصناعات الغذائية

سورية - دمشق - طريق المطار - الجسر الثاني - عقربا
هاتف : 00963116412500 - 00963116412501- 00963116412502
فاكس : 00963116412503
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